Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Blood of Eirny Cover Reveal!

I know things have gotten a little hung up, and you guys have been so patient! But I'm finally able to reveal this to you! I was going to do a bigger cover reveal thing, but I wanted to do this a little early for all of you who have been asking about it!

This is the cover for Blood of Eirny, the second book in Chronicles of Eirny! It was designed by my amazing man-bestie, Kenneth! Make sure to tell him what an amazing job he did!

If you haven't read the first, the link is below. That also brings me to my next bit of news ... The Rapture of Avery Maye is getting a shiny new cover to go with this one! That reveal will come at a later date!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Life Changes and Junk

So, I've been a bit silent on here for a while. I'm still working on several projects, that I can't wait to share with you ... when they're ready.

However, the biggest reason I've been away is that I've had some health problems that I have had to attend to. I'm slowly but surely getting back to where I need to be, but it's going to be a long road ahead. I just needed a little "me" time.

At any rate, I hope you are all doing well, and I hope to give you some awesome news very soon! Take care! <3